Monday, September 8, 2008


great cowboys win right? gotta love the atmosphere of friends, steaks, fellowship, football, and arguments. or is should say disagreements. example, a friends saw a toyota commercial and made the comment that toyota sold their rights so now they are made here in america, right here in texas. his claim was that it was a texas truck. well, needless to say my other friend disagreed. "toyota, a texas product?" but all in all it was good clean disagreements. 

i have thought about what i am to do for this next season and i think i have a direction, or a clear voice from the lord. i will not divulge it now but rather, wait, and get confirmation from my friends. yesterday in worship i really felt a peace about the decision and thought about how awesome it is to finally not have a trust dependent on my circumstances. i really wanted to say it out loud on the mic. "if god's goodness, if his blessing, if his love were all dependent on the circumstances, who would stick around to love him or pursue his presence?" not i. because it isn't. this earth, as we accept it, is a sin cursed earth, full of deceit, full of disease, full of obstacles, and this isn't gonna change, because there is sin on this earth. sin is a direct influence on the change of circumstances. because of sin we experience a flux of circumstances that trouble our emotions. god's love is the balance, god's love is the advice that brings our life into homeostasis. i believe he has the power to change the circumstances, i believe he could intervene and change what is going on. i know, however, god has given free will, for him to intervene and change things removes the power of free will which he bestows, because he wants his children to love him for who he is not for what they experience.


Lolly said...

This is amazing and fills me with joy!

SARAH said...

I can tell you this. I am SO grateful that the love of God is NOT contingent on our actions, but simply because of Love is who He is. If it was about our actions... MY actions.. I would be screwed. But instead, even though things hurt inside... I KNOW that God loves me as a daughter. Not just a servant. Kids need to be disciplined... but its not out of evil motives but for our own good. I am there. In that place. and I have peace (for the most part... not gonna lie. ya know?) But God just keeps reviealing Himspelf & His love over & over in abundance.

I am here to stay... not because its right, but because of His love.