Friday, September 17, 2010

part 3: stepping out of the goo

...i have found that there is a lot of demonic activity that is being written and absorbed by our culture (james 3:14-15). not because demons and satan are fun or entertaining but because what is presented as an option by this perverted creature is a picture that to most of us seems ideal. the natural strives for the ideal, do you hear me, STRIVES for the ideal rather than the REAL. the natural will slowly replace reality to many because that is our tendency anyway, to look for the natural as truth. we have been created to search and seek but not search and seek alone but we also hold a capacity to find. we were created with an ability to find, and if you want to be technical, the ability to find our creator. so when self-criticism doesn't exist you have and then further develop a very corrupt idea of best. for correction i believe, as with everything that separates us from our creator, we acknowledge first, we...are...wrong. stopping here would be foolish rather so after admission then continue in the effort at making right what is wrong. do not misunderstand me you shall never be able to earn your salvation and justification comes only by faith in jesus christ (romans 5:1). you can't fully understand what you can do until you understand what you can't do. i don't care how many times someone preaches phil 4:13. the aspect of your ability flows ONLY from the cross alone; knowing and believing jesus conquered something pretty significant 2000+ years ago which now gives you power. power to do what? to be courageous and say to your flesh...


the power to say and deny and the power to claim and speak possibility is what "idealists" will say is impossible.

"one of the chief uses of religion is that it makes us remember our coming from darkness, the simple fact that we were created"
-g. k. chesterton

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